The Resilient Rurals Model
Over 6 million Canadians live in rural areas, which are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change while faced with greater resource restrictions and financial limitations.
We are responding to these unique challenges directly and in partnership with the communities most affected with a first-if-its-kind small and rural community climate adaptation model.
Regional Collaboration
Rural communities are hubs of ingenuity. Our model centers diverse regional partnerships to collectively address the significant and unequal vulnerabilities to climate change. By bringing together unique perspectives and sets of resources, we can effectively address regional challenges.
Holistic Approach
Small and rural communities are adaptable. But, it is essential for commitments to make a tangible difference in the lives of residents. A whole-picture approach to resilience allows for creative solutions to real problems, ensuring measurable results for those who matter most - the people who live there.
By and For Small Towns
Trust needs to be earned.
Resilient Rurals was started by small towns specifically to meet small-town needs. We understand rural communities face challenges and will work with you to address your community's priorities in an impactful way.
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Funding provided by:
Resilient Rurals participated in the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre’s Climate Resilience Capacity Building Program, which serves to enable Alberta communities to better understand and respond to the impacts of climate change. ​We extend a huge thanks to the Action Centre and its partners, Alberta Municipalities, Rural Municipalities of Alberta, and the Government of Alberta for championing critical climate adaptation work across Albertan communities of all sizes and in all stages of climate-readiness.
We would also like to thank ClimateWest for their Adaptation in Action Program, which enables Resilient Rurals to take the next step in our journey. Our funders have played a critical role in supporting our development into a non-profit tailored towards supporting small and rural communities in Canada.